Training Agroforestry Group Pikin Slee

Training Agroforestry Group Pikin Slee

Suriname - 03 August, 2018

As part of our project 'Participatory Mapping, Ecosystem Service Assessment, and Resilience Against Climate Change' there have been several field visits and a Multi-disciplinary Landscape Assessment (MLA) training.

From 03-08 September 2017, a training was held at Republiek, district of Para, as preparation to carry out a MLA. A MLA is a combined effort between a team of researchers and local people to characterize judgments, needs, culture, and organization in relation to the local forest landscape. 14 people from the project area, the village of Pikin Slee in the Upper Suriname River area were trained, together with two people from the Ministry of Regional Development.


Between 19 February and 02 March 2018 the research team, consisting of the Centre for Agricultural Research in Suriname (CELOS) and Tropenbos Suriname, and local participants (from Pikin Slee) gathered information on different landscapes, vegetation, and soils. They also conducted field surveys in the neighboring agricultural plots and made soil descriptions. During the field work there was an encounter between local knowledge and scientific knowledge which complemented each other and resulted in a comprehensive description of the area. The local people are the owners of the results and can decide which information they make available to outsiders.


Between 27 and 29 March 2018 preliminary data from the agriculture, vegetation, and soil survey were presented to the villagers. The work plan was also elaborated.

Bezoek demo plot (4).jpg

On 10 and 11 April 2018 the slope and perimeter of the agroforestry demonstration plots were determined, material was handed over to the local participants, and types of crops in the villages were inventoried.

From 16-21 April 2018 CELOS personnel trained 14 local participants in agroforestry, composting, and banana diseases and pest control (in theory and in the field).

Compost draaien 2 vrouwen.jpg

From 10-13 May 2018, the ministry of  Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries trained 28 local people in plant propagation techniques, disease, and pest control of crops (in theory and in the field).


From June 11-14, the Ministry of Regional Development trained 21 local people in entrepreneurship, basic accounting, and marketing.


A consultant trained 24 local people in:
• Board: role, tasks and responsibilities
• Internal & external communication
• Administrative organization
• Reporting
• Finance / cash management
• Collaboration


From July 15-25, the training about organization and entrepreneurship were continued and the focus was on further developing the agroforestry system. Data gathered from the MLA was verified and additional data was gathered about Non Timber Forest Product use. Additional data for the Climate Vulnerability Assessment was also gathered.
