Improvement of the Economic Sustainability of Natural Forest Management in Suriname


Improvement of the Economic Sustainability of Natural Forest Management in Suriname

This project aims to utilize a sustainable forest management system that focuses on the tendering of potential crop trees, in preference to the CELOS management system (CMS). As a spin-off of the project, some of the CELOS (Centre for Agricultural Research in Suriname) experimental plots will be re-measured to show the long-term effects of CMS.

The reason for this is that the silvicultural component (called CELOS Silvicultural System (CSS)) of the CMS has been criticised for favouring undesired pioneer tree species, by reducing the stand of its basal area during three interventions. During the project some of the CELOS experimental plots at Kabo, in the district of Para, will be re-measured in order to show the CSS long-term effects.

Furthermore, the project aims at evaluating the economic potential of sustainable forest management (SFM) in Suriname. In order to compare the results between management systems, the SFM system which is defined in the preparatory phase of the project will be applied in some stands in three selected concessions, while other stands will be harvested as before by using either reduced-impact logging (RIL) or conventional logging (CL). Based on the results of the evaluation of the economic potential of SFM in Suriname, requirements and strategies for its further development shall be discussed among the project partners, and practical advice will be provided to participating concessionaires.

This project is initiated and executed by the German Institute for World Forestry (IWF), in collaboration with Tropenbos Suriname, the Centre for Agricultural Research in Suriname (CELOS), the Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB), the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and three timber logging and processing companies.


01 September 2011 - 31 December 2013


The project quantifies and compares forest management costs under conventional, reduced-impact logging, and sustainable forest management systems.