Strengthening the Forest Network in Suriname Through the Bos & Natuur Magazine


Strengthening the Forest Network in Suriname Through the Bos & Natuur Magazine

Tropenbos Suriname together with the Centre for Agricultural Research in Suriname (CELOS) and Environmental Services and Support (ESS), and co-sponsoring from WWF-Guianas have published a quarterly specialist journal on Forest and Nature "Vakblad Bos & Natuur" meant for the various stakeholders in the forest and nature field. Seven editions were produced including thematic numbers to commemorate the UN international years on Biodiversity (2010) and Forests (2011), respectively.


2009 - 2011


The objective of the ‘Vakblad Bos & Natuur’ is to serve as a communication tool for all stakeholders in the forest and nature sector, including policy makers, the private sector, professionals and students. As such it aims to serve as a tool to have better informed stakeholders on forest related issues, to increase awareness on the importance of forests for people and to improve the motivation of actors in the sector. An objective is also improving the writing skills of the contributors of articles.