
Towards a carbon balance for forests in Suriname


Authors: Arets, E.J.J.M., Kruijt, B., Tjon, K., Atmopawiro, V.P., van Kanten, R.F., Crabbe, S., Banki, O. & Ruysschaert, S.

Suriname - 2011

ISSN: 1566-7197

Language: English


Currently Suriname is developing systems for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). The goal of the study reported in this report is to support the development of an adequate MRV system for forest carbon in Suriname, with a focus on monitoring and reporting carbon stocks from field sampling. Based on available existing field data, allometric functions and expansion factors, above ground biomass and carbon stocks were assessed for a number of forest types. Using the data from a long-term logging experiment at the CELOS-Kabo site, changes in carbon stocks were quantified over time and under different intensities of selective logging. A review of carbon budget estimates across the Amazon were used to put the results for Suriname in a broader perspective. Finally an overview of methods to quantify and monitor forest carbon stocks at different scales is presented and discussed.

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