Participatory Three Dimensional Mapping in Fairview, Guyana

Participatory Three Dimensional Mapping in Fairview, Guyana

Suriname - 03 September, 2018

In 2016, Tropenbos Suriname organized a seminar on participatory approaches to land use planning in regions with Indigenous and Tribal communities, where the Natural Capital approach was introduced to stakeholders and preliminary results from the research project of Sara Ramírez and activities in collaboration with Tropenbos Suriname were presented. This included the Participatory Three Dimensional Mapping (P3DM) exercises done in the Upper Suriname River area. For this seminar, Vanessa Benn from Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conversation and Development was also invited to present the experiences in Guyana on this subject. During her stay in Suriname, Tropenbos Suriname organized a field visit to Pikinslee to show some of the work done there.

Following this exchange, Vanessa Benn contacted Tropenbos Suriname early in 2018 regarding interest to do a P3DM exercise with the Amerindian community of Fairview and the possibility to collaborate with Tropenbos Suriname on this. Both parties came to an agreement that Lisa Best could support the P3DM exercise in Fairview with a maximum of ten in-country days.

The role of Lisa Best was to guide the process from preparation to final presentation, based on experiences and insights from the P3DM in the Upper Suriname River Area.

